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01 Mar 2021

How to use theatre and drama in your botanic garden: watch the recording

Watch the recording:

—-> How to use theatre and drama at your botanic garden by Michael Connor, Wollongong BG: Click to watch.

Additional links:

Here are some additional links shared at the meeting:

  • Sonica Botanica: Stories and Sounds from the garden – check out this amazing project at RBG Victoria (thanks Sally for sharing!). Described as “Immerse yourself in intertwining stories, atmospheric music and mesmerising sounds of the natural environment in Sonica Botanica.”:
  • Theatre and Drama at ANBG Shepparton – click here for some fantastic photos from the Friends of the ANBG Shepparton of a production all about astronomy (thanks Cheryl for sharing!):

News and updates:

  • Welcome to our three newest BGEN committee members! Tracy Muir (Visitor Services Team Leader, Wellington Botanic Garden), Tim Uebergang (Horticultural Curator, System Garden Officer, The University of Melbourne) and Ben Liu (Creative Producer, Learning and Participation, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria) joined our team from Feb 2021.
  • BGCI Directory of Expertise: everyone is invited to submit their skills to be on the directory. More info here.
  • Botanic Gardener magazine – submit your article by 12 April for inclusion in the upcoming issue, the theme is ‘Plant Science.’
  • Botanic Gardens Day and Plant Challenge: watch the BGANZ website for news about the Botanic Gardens Day panel on 31 May, and fun Plant Challenge for the whole month of May.
  • Would you like to be a panellist? BGANZ is looking for an expert on wellbeing and how botanic gardens are places for health and wellbeing. Contact Eamonn for more details.
  • Looking for fun tools for online meetings? Try icebreaker  and gathertown  – I’ve participated in both and they are great for informal meetings where you want your attendees to create connections in a fun environment.

Looking for more ideas?

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