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21 Jun 2018

Why do we want to engage our visitors and our community with our landscapes and collections

Why do we want to engage our visitors and our community with our landscapes and collections – why are we trying to tell the special stories about our places?  How can we do that more effectively?


Cost effective signage – Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria – Cranbourne Gardens.

These are some of the things that I have been thinking about alot over the last few months.

Firstly, as I was writing an article for Janelle Hatherly for the last edition of The  BOTANIC GARDENer on the definition of interpretation (see page 30 here) and secondly this week as I prepared to talk to the latest network meeting of BGANZ Vic on simple and cost effective ways we can bring our gardens to life.

Here is the Powerpoint that I presented to BGANZ Vic:


I’d love to hear your thoughts.



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