by Julia Watson, Auckland Botanic Gardens
One of our central aims at the Auckland Botanic Gardens is so recommend the right plants for the right places – specifically, plants for Auckland.
We trial our plants and conduct in-garden assessments to determine the most suitable plants that we can then recommend to visitors. The top recommendations (which we’ve called ‘Star Performers’) are then published in a brochure format, and a Star Performer sticker added to the label in the garden.
These brochures are available at our visitor centre and online on our website. They are proving very popular with visitors and we are adding new titles as time progresses. The simple, attractive format is well-received by visitors, and further information for all the plants on the brochures is expanded on in our website under our Garden Advice section and our Plants for Auckland Database.
A few of the Plants for Auckland brochures – see our website for the full list.
These brochures are updated regularly as trial data becomes available and in-garden assessments are completed, and we hope to see our visitors achieving gardening success with the right plants for the right place!